Going Nowhere

On February 8, President Obama signed an unnecessary, cruel, and dangerous law. Passed by a unanimous Congress, International Megan’s Law requires the State Department to mark with a “unique identifier” the passport of anyone ever convicted in the United States of a sex crime against a minor. The offense could be sexting or consensual teen lovemaking. It could have happened decades ago or even have been expunged from the person’s record. Full Article


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This is precisely what happend with the Jews and other despised groups of people throughout history. These kind of acts have always been the precursor to things much worse happening to groups of people maligned by a few.If anyone doesn’t believe this, just check the history books.

“Americans don’t believe a sex offender can change, so they just want to “contain” him—or better yet, banish him. Yet now that they have driven him to the edges of the land, International Megan’s Law may deny the pariah even exile.”

“To a public whose appetite for punishment is insatiable, it is not enough to forbid the sex offender to stay anywhere or go anywhere. The people’s wish, it seems, is that he would cease altogether to exist. And when he does cease to exist, that is not enough either.”

If this isn’t stopped we can expect to see or to be the victims of things much, much worse!

Indeed, I never felt like a criminal until this. I was caught up in a mess and although innocent I took a plea bargain rather than fight in court. So I did everything they asked while on probation and sailed through. I crossed all the “T”s and dotted all the “I”s and was a model citizen.

I even enjoyed the pleasures of international travel before and after my probation. I never felt like a criminal because I felt like I have some freedom…especially those times I was out of the boundaries of the USA.

Then this new International Megan’s Law sh^t passed and the one pleasure I had left and the only time I felt truly “free” has been taken from me.

I now feel like a criminal…the government has turned me into a criminal after 17 years of adding punishment after punishment regardless of how good I behaved they simply continue to add more and more punishment!

Well, now I feel like a criminal and I have started to think like one thanks to the evil government of the USA.

I understand that anyone who is not on a public website will not have to have their passports stamped as an offender

Reading all of this makes me sick to my stomach, and probably not doing good things for my health either. If the Court does not clearly see the violation of human rights and due process of this new Law, and consider it BLATANTLY unconstitutional, I would seriously loose whatever shred of respect, and hope for “any kind of future”, I still have left for the United States.

If by “Government”, being the one who is oppressing us, you mean hypocritical tough-on-crime rich guys who fund these attack laws against registrants such as FaceBook, Chris Smith and John Walsh, then I would agree. That company was founded by a guy who hacked into the pics of girls/women at Harvard and used them as fodder for his cyber-bullying schemes. Where’s the push for retroactive punishment and eliminating the statute of limitations for cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying has resulted in death. I don’t see any huge money push for states of emergency declared for cyber-bullying. It’s not some ‘black box’ form of government doing this, but specific hypocrites such as John Walsh and Mark Foley of SORNA who have no business making laws for sex registrants. Taking in muslims from Syria and Iraq is kind of the responsibility of the US since it is our war in Iraq, the one Bernie is always talking about that displaced them in the first place. The countries that have taken in the refugees such as Germany, Canada tend to have better laws on ex-sex offenders than the US. Maybe they may know something about tolerance and avoiding blanket condemnation. It would not be right to label all Americans as sex fiends because of the sex crimes committed during slavery in America in the 18th and 19th centuries. I assume you are basing your condemnation of muslims on the story of Aisha, which may or may not be true, but also needs to be viewed in light of the norms and mores of the times.

I suggest all sex offenders move to a state like Vermont, or Wyoming. Those two states have the lowest population of the fifty states. 600k and 500k respective.

With the new large segment of population of offenders in place, vote in our own members of the state legislature, and governor, then start with repealing those Draconian state laws.

Then elect federal our own members of Congress to fight these tyrants.